Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Thou still unravishd bride of quietness, Essays - Identifiers

Thou still unravish'd bride of quietness, Cause/Effect: The passage gives human quality to the urn such as making the urn a "bride of quietness". However, as the "bride" is " unravish'd ", assumably , the urn is innocent and shy (quietness). Maybe the speaker alludes to the frozen picture of the urn? ( quietness ) Interpretation: If something is unravish'd and quiet, it means that the object obtains a lot of history in it. Thus, the urn is archaic object. Thou foster-child of silence and slow time, Cause/Effect: The urn is described as a "foster-child". It was grown by silence and slow time. Here, the author conveys an ancient ambience of the urn, making the urn mysterious due to "silence" (depiction of the urn) that the urn contains. If something is ancient, people needs to research more on the ancient object to find out what it is. Interpretation: The urn contains a lot of story by the look of the depictions on urn, however, the urn is frozen so it cannot tell us the story (silence) Sylvan historian, who canst thus express A flowery tale more sweetly than our rhyme: Cause/Effect: The speaker admires the urn as if it is godlike. Its expression is more than how we could express something. Interpretation: The speaker is telling the surroundings in the depiction "sylvan historian". The depictions are so magnificent that the speaker doesn't know how to express its appearance. What leaf- fring'd legend haunts about thy shape Of deities or mortals, or of both, In Tempe or the dales of Arcady? Cause/Effect: The speaker conveys a confused tone by establishing question marks at the end of the lines. The characters in the depictions acquires mysterious attributes. The poem gets intensive and the reader gets curious about the characters. Interpretation: The speaker is describing a specific part of a depiction, however, he is also confused and couldn't certain if the "legend" is a deity or mortal and its habitat. What men or gods are these? What maidens loth? What mad pursuit? What struggle to escape? What pipes and timbrels ? What wild ecstasy? Cause/Effect: The speaker creates a wild and extreme tone to the poem. I don't know the effect here I think it is just describing the depiction? Interpretation: Men or gods are chasing the maidens. The maidens are "loth" which means reluctant. If men or gods are chasing reluctant women, it means that they are doing something wrong. However, there are songs playing and the scene is ecstatic. The women seemingly enjoys the chase. Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard Are sweeter; therefore, ye soft pipes, play on; Cause/Effect: The speaker is using comparison in these lines. He asserts that unheard melodies prevails heard melodies. Can unheard melodies even exist if melodies are sound yet it is unheard? Interpretation: Sometimes, imaginary sounds and object can be more pleasant to us. As an example, we imagine dating with a girl - which is common but for me, it is a wish that can hardly be accomplished . However, imagine dating a beautiful girl like celebrity or Jacinth ^_^ - an impossible wish but a delicate imagination experience. Not to the sensual ear, but, more endear'd , Pipe to the spirit ditties of no tone: Cause/Effect: The speaker elaborates on the preceding lines of the "Unheard melodies". However, the explanation is ambiguous because the speaker associates the "unheard melodies" to "spirit ditties of no tone". He also alludes to imaginary world, getting the clues from "spirit", "unheard", and "no tone". Nonetheless, how can "ditties" have "no tone"? Song with a no tone .. Interesting Interpretation: The speaker again alludes to the imaginary sound or world. The interpretation will be same as "unheard melodies". Fair youth, beneath the trees, thou canst not leave Thy song, nor ever can those trees be bare; Cause/Effect: The speaker evokes the eternal nature of the urn. This description makes the urn beautiful - frozen in time but the depictions are admirable. Interpretation: Trees can never be bare .. Leaves aren't going to fall which means there is one season in the depiction which will never change - eternal nature of the urn Bold Lover, never, never canst